About us
CIUS represents the European sugar-using food and beverage industries with more than 15, 000 companies across Europe. Members range from artisan, small-and medium sized enterprises to large multinationals. CIUS members purchase and use almost 70% of the European annual consumption of sugar through its incorporation in a wide variety of added-value products and provide direct employment for over 700,000 people.


Members of the Association DO:
- Discuss topics relating to the regulation of sugar that have an impact on the conduct of their business;
- Agree on the actions and steps to address these issues;
- Meet and exchange views with other stakeholders of the sugar market;
- Issue opinions that express those views;
- Engage in an ongoing dialogue with the institutions of the European Union (European Commission - European Parliament, Member States of the Union [via the Council of the European Union]).
Members of the Association DO NOT:
- Shall not discuss prices and shall not exchange commercially sensitive information;
- Shall not suggest holding discussions of a commercial nature;
- Shall not share information about their purchasing strategies;
- Shall not engage in any activity that would violate the rules of competition law in force.
Secretariat Office holders

Mayssa Vande Vyvre
Director General